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Concert 25th January 2019 – Elizabeth Harrison
It was a cold winter’s night not at all like the last time we were visited by Elizabeth on a warm summer’s night in 2017. Our January night concert was attended by an audience of 54. Elizabeth began by introducing herself as a farmer, a driver of big machines and goods vehicles. We learned about Cows, how they order themselves singularly for milking and we learned that Elizabeth and her boyfriend, also a farmer, whom previously we heard about in 2017, were no longer 26 miles apart…? This brought an amused chuckle from the audience. The evening was to be punctuated by her delightful and light sense of humour delivered with an accent that somehow seemed so right for a farmer. And so the music started for an audience already amused. Unusually, Elizabeth performed facing us; throughout the evening she punctuated her performance with facial expressions that were themselves quite entertaining.
As before her music was silky smooth. Elizabeth is an accomplished entertainer with a performance repertoire that included something for everyone. Amongst the evenings music were the following; A selection of waltzes, Housewives choice, Blaze away, Pack up your troubles, when you’re smiling, Run rabbit Run, My old man said follow the van, Hello Dolly, A selection of Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals, Non Stop – original ITN news theme,
Contemplating & Remember Chiho Sunamoto, Elizabeth dedicated and played – If I loved you
Elizabeth continued with, When Irish eyes are smiling, A selection of Scottish themes, Runaway, Prelude in a classic style, From Nicholas & Alexandra ‘to beautiful to last, Here in my heart, I could have danced all night, we’ll meet again. Elizabeth was re-called for an encore, The theme from the Battle of Britain Film concluding the evening to rapturous applause.
Elizabeth’s instrument was a Roland AT350C Dual Keyboard and pedals, plus the new Theatre Organ in a box V3
Posted in Concert Review Tagged with: A concert - The Organist Entertains, BOKC, brentwood organ, Brentwood Organ Keyboard club, concert, Elizabeth Harrison, Live music, mountnessing
It was a warm summer evening with a good number of attendees in the audience for our evening concert performed by Elizabeth Harrrison. She began by introducing herself as a farmer, a driver of big machines and goods vehicles. Elizabeth’s boyfriend, also a farmer but their two farms were she said, 26 miles apart. Elizabeth made an appeal to the audience, she was a collector of tractors, at one time she had 13 but presently only 8, she did however want to find a Massey Ferguson 35, 3 cylinder tractor, and appealed to anyone in the audience who may have one for sale. There was much amusement but no offers. Elizabeth hadn’t had much luck with a shopping trip either, out for vacuum cleaner bags she returned home with a dog instead. The dog, a black and white border collie needed a new home, its owners were emigrating.
So the music started for an audience already amused. Unusually for an artiste, she performed facing us; throughout the evening she punctuated her performance with facial expressions that were themselves quite entertaining. Elizabeth is an accomplished entertainer with a performance repertoire that included something for everyone. Amongst the music she played were; themes from west end shows, strangers in the night, Choo Choo Samba, Too Beautiful To Last, A 1960s Selection including Three Steps To Heaven, I Only Want To Be With You, Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow, Its A Heartache, Georgie Girl. Marches- Out Of The Blue, Dancing Dustman. Viennese Waltz Selection including Over The Waves, Ciribiribin, Chrysanthemum Waltz, Nights of Gladness. Classical – Prelude In Classic Style, and House of dreams. We were also led in a sing song that featured well known cockney and wartime favourites, My old mans a dustman, Ain’t she sweet, Run rabbit run, when your smiling and Bring me sunshine.
Elizabeth’s instrument was a Roland ATELIER Combo AT-350C with Pedal board and a “Tower Organ in a box” module.
Posted in Concert Review Tagged with: BOKC, bokc.BOKC, brentwood, brentwood organ, Brentwood organ and keyboard, Brentwood Organ Keyboard club, concert, Concert 26th June 2017, Elizabeth Harrison