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- Concert Review – Michael Wooldridge – 23rd July 2024 July 24, 2024
David won a holiday camp talent competition at the age of ten, this was his catalyst for becoming a professional organist. He initially explored performing in local charity concerts, he soon found that he was in great demand. Family holidays taken at various organ festivals encouraged him and he won a teenage talent competition at the National Home Organ Festival at Hemsby in 1983. He was soon playing junior spots at major
organ festivals both in this country and abroad. Aged fourteen he filled semi-professional engagements at clubs in and around the Midlands. Leaving school in the summer of 1986 he realised his ambition and became a full-time professional organist. David has considerable experience, playing for dancing and backing cabaret in the clubs, has been musical director for several variety and dance shows. He has made concert appearances at organ societies and festivals all over the country. Much of David’s work is playing for strict tempo dancing where his reputation and popularity has taken him to venues throughout the UK. playing Ballroom, Latin American, Modern Sequence or Traditional Old Time. He currently plays Technics GA3, modified to make it portable, plus a Yamaha PSR8000, for both concert and dance work, To make life easier for his ‘crew’ he purchased the Orla GT8000 Compact portable and uses this mainly in upstairs venues. David also runs a small organ and keyboard teaching studio.
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