Concert Review 25th February 2019 Paul Carman

Concert Review 25th February 2019 Paul Carman



Paul Carman – A concert performance that didn’t disappoint.  At the start of the evening, as visitors came through the door, conversations were about how entertaining a recent Paul Carman concert had been. It was soon apparent the performance would be well attended.

Paul proved to be most entertaining. We expect our attending artists to be accomplished musicians, and they are, but Paul also brought with him a great sense of humour worthy of any stand-up comedian. When he wasn’t playing his music or making us laugh he was singing to us. Most should agree Paul gave us good entertainment to remember.

Paul’s instrument.

Korg Pa4X, In split mode with pedalboard –

Proving that a modern keyboard can successfully replace a two manual organ.

February 28th, 2019 by